Shades of Color Nail and Hair Salon pt.1
Kim Borie is a fantastic business woman who has found success through effort and tenacity- and is something to admire. She has a lot to teach to folks like me who are operating a business.
She approached me with opportunity to replace her existing sign- which was poorly produced for the location it was placed. It’s not that it would have been ‘bad’ in most circumstances, but with the direct westward exposure during the hottest part of the year- it was literally destroyed. It took less than three years to absolutely destroy the sign she paid more than a third more for than I charged her for replacing.
For this reason we selected a product for her primary sign that is dang near indestructible. It’s made from King Star Board, which is recycled plastics. It’s used in the marine industry for off shore boat construction. It will not deteriorate. The specific variety chosen is two colors- one sandwiching another- and there are a lot to choose from. She chose classic black and white.
This sign is accented with solar powered spotlights. It is guaranteed for as long as she owns her business not to peel, crack, distort, or fade. It’s a GREAT material to use here in our coastal carolina environment.